To secure its convergence toward regulatory CAFE CO2 emissions targets, in 2019, Renault Group rolled out a tool to forecast CO2 emissions levels for Group registered vehicles in Europe. A specific program team, the CAFE Control Tower, monitors these levels and adjusts the road map for the current and following years accordingly.
The organization of the Climate Project, set up in 2020, complements this governance framework.
The Strategic Environmental Planning department prepares, deploys and monitors the implementation of the environmental policy in all sectors of the company. To this end, it uses a network of representatives who are assigned to all company departments, as well as the expertise network created within the Group in 2010 in areas such as “energy, environment and raw materials strategy", “vehicle CO2 ” and “air quality and substances". These experts provide in-depth knowledge on these strategic topics and implement a cross-cutting approach that has been recognized internally for its rigor and neutrality.
Within each operational department, one or more climate project contributors have been appointed. Their role is to adapt the Group’s climate objectives to each business, build medium- and long-term roadmaps, coordinate action plans and report on performance. Reporting is carried out at operational department level and consolidated by the Strategic Environmental Planning department, for review by the CSR Steering Committee and the Ethics and CSR Committee of the Board of Directors.
Monthly meetings serve to monitor the climate project’s progress across all Group businesses and adjust the action plan, as needed.