The Group’s 2030 targets for reducing direct and indirect emissions related to the consumption of energy required for production (Scopes 1 and 2) and the target for reducing emissions related to vehicle use (Scope 3 well-to-wheel) were officially approved by the Science Based Targets (SBT) initiative in March 2019. The SBT initiative arose from a partnership between CDP, the United Nations Global Compact program, the World Resources Institute and the World Wildlife Foundation. The aim is to verify the consistency between greenhouse gas emission reduction targets set by companies and the data from scientific research on climate.
This graph shows the reduction targets for indirect and direct emissions related to the consumption of energy for production (scopes 1 and 2). The 2019 - 2030 trajectory indicates a -50% reduction in emissions per vehicle.
Scope 1: 0.25 t CO2e/vehicle
Scope 2: 0.25 t CO2e/vehicle
Scope 1: 0.22 t CO2e/vehicle
Scope 2: 0.23 t CO2e/vehicle
Scope 1: 0.21 t CO2e/vehicle
Scope 2: 0.18 t CO2e/vehicle
Scope 1: 0.2t CO2e/vehicle
Scope 2: 0.18 t CO2e/vehicle
Scope 1: 0.21 t CO2e/vehicle
Scope 2: 0.21 t CO2e/vehicle
This table shows the greenhouse gas emissions from the production of Renault
vehicles in 2019 and 2020.
Direct emissions excluding air conditioning: 609,028 t CO2e
Direct emissions related to fixed air conditioning units (measured since 2012): 17,919 t CO2e
Indirect emissions excluding purchased thermal energy (measured since 2013): 576,820 t CO2e
Indirect emissions from purchased thermal energy (measured since 2013): 8,584 t CO2e
Total emissions: 1,212,351 t CO2e
Emissions per vehicle produced: 0.39 t CO2e/vehicle
Direct emissions excluding air conditioning: 482,414 t CO2e
Direct emissions from stationary air conditioning (measured since 2012): 16,197 t CO2e
Indirect emissions excluding purchased thermal energy (measured since 2013): 444,436 t CO2e
Indirect emissions from purchased thermal energy (measured since 2013): 7,507 t CO2e
Total emissions: 950,105 t CO2e
Emissions per vehicle produced: 0.42 t CO2e/vehicle
*Indicators audited by the independent third party at a reasonable level of assurance: total (Scopes 1 and 2) greenhouse gas emissions for financial year 2020.